Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kemaskini Driver Dalam PC Anda!

Cara termudah untuk mengemaskini perisian driver anda dengan menggunakan Driver Checker. Dapatkan versi portable di pautan ini.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Menghilangkan Connection Tab Dalam Internet Explorer

Untuk menghilangkan atau menghapuskan fungsi Connection Tab dalam Internet Explorer, arahan gpedit.msc perlu digunakan. Seterusnya langkah-langkah seperti yang dipaparkan dalam rajah boleh dilaksanakan. Pastikan ianya dilakukan dalam mod Administrator.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fast Track: 10 ways to extend your laptop's life

Take care of your hardware
  1. Keep your display and keyboards clean.
  2. Don't let your laptop overheat.
  3. Use a case.

Take care of your software

  1. Install and update antivirus software.
  2. Clear out system clutter.
  3. Keep your PC tuned.

Maintain battery life
  1. Avoid extreme temperatures.
  2. Put your laptop into "sleep" or "hibernate" mode when you're not using it.
  3. Turn off or limit use of power-draining processes.
  4. Beware of energy-hogging background programs.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dapatkan Semula Fail Dalam Profail GUEST (Windows XP)

Berikut adalah antara perisian yang boleh digunakan untuk mendapatkan semula fail/folder yang hilang disebabkan penggunaan akaun Guest iaitu perisian PC Inspector. Sila muat turun di sini.

Antara paparan skrin untuk menggunakan perisian ini:

Peringatan Kepada Pengguna Akaun GUEST Dalam Persekitaran Windows XP

Penggunaan akaun Guest dalam Windows XP amat tidak sesuai diamalkan di organisasi/pejabat khususnya di kalangan staf. Default policy bagi akaun Guest adalah berbeza dengan akaun User.

Antara kesan yang akan berlaku sekiranya pengguna menggunakan akaun Guest ialah, semua fail yang disimpan dalam profail Guest akan hilang sekiranya akaun tersebut tidak diakses untuk tempoh beberapa lama. Sila baca penerangan lanjut di bawah ini untuk lebih jelas.

QUESTION POSED ON: 12 August 2002
"Hi, there. My problem is as follows:
  1. The user logged in as the "GUEST". The password is guest as well.
  2. Files were created and saved under "MY DOCUMENTS."
  3. While the machine was still on, we were able to see the files under "MY DOCUMENTS."
  4. The machine was shut down for the weekend.
  5. On starting up on Monday, no files were visible under "MY DOCUMENTS."
  6. I tried the same thing on another Windows 2000 machine and the same thing happened. Is it that files created under the user guest are not kept by the system? Any help will be greatly appreciated to recover these files."

"Yes, everything within the user profile of the Guest account is discarded the moment you log out of that account. The guest account has a mandatory profile. The My Documents folder is just another folder element within the user profile. When you log out of the Guest account, all changes to the environment and all files stored within the user profiles folders are removed and restored back to their original state. If you want files from a Guest user to remain available after they log out, they must be stored in some other location outside of the user profile's folders."
EXPERT RESPONSE FROM: James Michael Stewart

QUESTION POSED ON: 07 January 2004
"I have a laptop running Windows XP Pro. This laptop is used as a loaner and several people have been logging onto it using the Guest account. I have had a couple of people complain that when saving a document to the default "My Documents" after they log-out and back ina again later, the document is gone (I have also test this and experienced it) I beleive this is actually a "feature" of the Guest account. Is this true? Where can I find more information on this?"

"I tried this out myself, and -- you're right! It appears that the Guest account's profile is similar to a Mandatory Profile. It only exists for the life of the session. Since the My Documents is part of the profile, it gets wiped out when users log off. Moral of the story: Have Guests save their data to a place it can be retrieved -- like a common network share, USB disk-on-key, or floppy disk. My friend James Conrad calls this the "Unwelcome Guest" feature."


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maklumat Keperluan Peralatan ICT

Berikut adalah contoh Borang Maklumat Keperluan Peralatan ICT yang boleh digunakan di mana-mana agensi bagi membantu pihak pengurusan IT merancang keperluan pengguna untuk pembangunan prasarana ICT di agensi.

Muat turun di sini

Monday, August 2, 2010

Variasi Firewire

Maklumat lanjut berkenaan Firewire boleh dirujuk di sini.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Firewire Atau IEEE1394

Jenis port Firewire yang berbeza.
Sesetengah komputer riba telah dilengkapi dengan port Firewire. Teknologi Firewire digunakan khususnya disebabkan kelebihannya melakukan pemindahan data seperti video pada kelajuan tinggi dengan jumlah data yang besar di mana ianya dapat mengekalkan kualiti data (video) berkenaan.
Firewire adalah nama komersil yang juga dikenali sebagai IEEE1394.
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